Published on 7 September 2020

‘Putting Children First’ is the theme for this year’s National Child Protection Week. National Child Protection Week is held the beginning of September every year, this year running from 6-12 September 2020 and it also happens to be its 30th year running. The aim of Child Protection Week is to bring awareness to the issues and concerns that children may face around abuse and neglect. It is also about recognising the wellbeing of a child and as the theme suggests ‘putting children first’.

The theme ‘putting children first’ is about learning how we as parents, carers, educators and a community can best prioritise the needs of the children in our lives. To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and have access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare. 

For children to thrive we need to come together and do our part in putting children’s needs first during National Child Protection Week and every week. 

There are a number of ways to achieve this goal, whether it be attending a webinar, watching or reading material that helps us better understand today’s children and by spending time with children and listening to their voices.

Visit our what’s on page to find out what online sessions are happening this week. Some key highlights include:

The Camden Paint the Town REaD committee have also developed a book list for children based on books that create conversation about keeping children safe, body respect and who is a safe person to speak to. You can also visit Narellan Library to view their display and borrow the books on this list.

To help the community work towards a safer more inclusive space for Camden’s children, simply start a conversation.  Ask your preschool, childcare or school what they are doing this Child Protection Week to ‘put children first’.

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